Meet Degen Doctor Elephant Sam and his memecoin $DGNDR, who will be giving advice to Degen Investors.
Buy $DGNDRAbout Degen Doctor
“Degen” is a shorthand term used in the world of cryptocurrency to describe traders who engage in risky, speculative behavior without conducting proper research and due diligence.
They are referred to as those who do not pay attention to metrics, tokenomics, fundamental analysis, or technical analysis, and may make buying decisions based on superficial factors like an asset’s logo or a catchy slogan.
The Degen Doctor's mission is to give the right investment advice to the Degens and to help the Degens who have lost all their assets.
$DNGDR Token is memecoin belonging to the Degen Doctor community.
BSCScan Contract
Supported wallets
Degen Doctor Token is supported by all wallets on the Binance Smart Chain , choose the one you like.
Supported exchanges
We are working to make sure $DGNDR swap is supported by major exchanges.
Degen Doctor's started working.
Degen Doctor's started working and $DGNDR memecoin was created.
CEX Listing
$DGNDR token is listing in the CEX exchanges.
Help and tokensale starting
Help to the Degens and the $DGNDR tokensale is starting.
Distribution of Relief Funds
Aid fund distribution is starting for Degens who have lost all their assets.